Basic parameters of adv
Number of ads: |
96664 |
Date: |
10.03.2025 |
Type of ad: |
New building |
Area: |
61 m2 |
баку мтк |
Renovation: |
Good repair |
Floor: |
17 / 17 |
Rooms: |
2 |
Gas in building: |
Yes |
Documents: |
Order |
Price With AZN: |
150 000 |
Price With $: |
inf $ |
General Information
Nizami r-n.,8 KM ges. Neftciler M. yani,Xezer Universitetin yaxinliginda, 17/17 mertebesinde, lift 17 mert galxir. sahesi 61,5 kv.m. butun ev isti doweme (mermer 60 x 60) super temirli 2 otali menzil satilir. Panorama- weher,deniz. Senedi-Mugavile. Binada gaz cekilib. Butun infrastruktur etrafinda. Real muwteriye cuzi endirim ola biler. Ofis komissiyasi 1 % tewkil edir.
Region: |
Nizami district |
Location: |
8-th km |
Adress |
баку п.8 км |
Subway nearby: |
Neftchilar metro |
Communication way
Please inform us about the announcement number when making a call.
Attention: Do not send beh (advance) to anyone online.!
Other indicators of adv
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